An intelligent or traditional ghost is kind of like Casper in the sense that they interact with people. The most common belief is that the ghost is connected to the site or people in some way.
Some reasons the ghost may be tied to the site or people:
1.Died as a result of a traumatic event, murder, car accident, etc.
2.Due to unfinished business.
3.The spirit may have died suddenly and not realized he/she died.
4.The living loved ones are so emotionally distraught they can’t let go.
5.The spirit is emotionally connected to their loved ones.
6.They cannot rest due to an injustice done to them.
7.Fear of the other side or judgment
These ghosts are generally associated with physical activity like slamming, opening, closing, unlocking doors and windows, voices, and sounds. A strong presence, a scent, or a touch may be experienced. People may even see a manifestation of the ghost in the form of an apparition or mist.
This falls into the realm of a "demonic" or an "inhuman" type of haunting. It is perhaps of other-dimensional origin, and is often possessed (no pun intended) of a quite hostile nature. Anyone who has up close and personally encountered a demonic entity in action never wants the experience repeated; no one I've spoken to, anyway! It often evinces a form of intelligence (initially similar to a "human" type of haunting) in that it may insidiously seem to anticipate the approaches of the person(s) it menaces, including any paranormal investigators who are endeavoring to rid a home of its presence. Endemic to this most unwelcome infestation is a pronounced psychological instability, distress or unresolved conflict on the part of a resident or residents of the household subjected to the demonic assault. Additionally, experience has supported the observation that someone originally had to have invited in the demon, perhaps inadvertently, either through scrying implements such as a Ouija Board, conducting seances, indisciplined psychic experimentation, performing magic ceremonies or by habitually conversing with unseen presences (imaginary friends?). It should be mentioned here that while some of these devices may at first appear to be utterly harmless and regarded as tools to aid in tapping into one's subconsciousness, the results can be likened to leaving open one's back door in a country setting. Now, you may only have some little squirrels and chipmonks wander into your kitchen, but odds are that eventually you'll find yourself facing down a bear, maybe a small cub, IF YOU'RE LUCKY. And keep in mind, where there's one "bear," others are lurking somewhere closeby!
By "Carl Johnson" from TAPS
A residual haunt is believed to be activity of reoccurring or traumatic actions from past events that leave an imprint on the environment.
This type is probably the most common type of haunting. Because its characteristics are similar to the intelligent haunting, people often mistake it for an intelligent/traditional haunting. Like intelligent haunts, some examples of activity are phantom footsteps, sounds, images, and scents. One major difference between this haunting and the intelligent/traditional haunting, is that this type of haunting is not considered to be that of a ghost, and there is no interaction with the living
Portals aren't really a new concept, as we've seen them in a lot of sci-fi flicks. But in the real world, portal hauntings are considered controversial as there is little known and the idea is mostly theory or speculation. Portals are thought to be doorways to another world or dimension in which entities travel through. It's speculated that portals are not limited to one location, region or limited to sacred ground. Typically places that experience a wide array of different types of anomalous activity such as glowing balls of light, odd creatures, strange shapes, or unexplained mists or fog, are suspected to have a portal in which these energies are traveling back and forth. Graveyards seem to be a hot spot for these.
In the 1930s the psychologist and parapsychologist Nandor Fodor advanced the theory that some poltergeist disturbances were caused not by spirits but by human agents suffering from intense repressed anger, hostility, and sexual tension. Fodor successfully demonstrated his theory in several cases, including the most famous "Thormton Heath Poltergeist" in England, which he investigated in 1938. The case involved a woman whose repressions caused a poltergeist outbreak and apparently a vampire attack. The Spiritualists severely criticized Fodor, but he won a libel suit against a Spiritualist newspaper.
William Roll, project director of the Psychical Research Foundation in Durham, North Carolina, further explored this psychological dysfunction theory. Starting in the 1960s, Roll studied 116 written reports of poltergeist cases spanning over four centuries in more one hundred countries. Roll identified patterns that he labeled "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" (RSPK), which are inexplicable, spontaneous physical effects. Generally, he discovered, the most common agent was a child or teenager whose unwitting PK was a way of expressing hostility without the fear of punishment. The individual was not aware of being the cause of such disturbances, but was, at the same time, secretly or openly please that they occurred.
Other investigators have also investigated agents finding that those in poor mental and physical health are vulnerable to stress. Patient having unresolved emotional tensions have been associated with houses where poltergeist activity occurred. When studying the personalities of agents psychologists found anxiety reactions, conversion hysteria, phobias, mania, obsessions, dissociative reactions, and schizophrenia. In some cases therapy eliminated the poltergeist activity