Reports on locations in Jackson County of our home State of Ms visited, researched or investigated by Shadowz Paranormal. Here you will find photographs, audio, video, and the histories and stories behind the locations we visit.
Private Residence
Case # 30100209
First Investigation
October 2, 2009
Homeowners contacted us about hearing growling and other noises.
Private Residence
Case # 30110808
First Investigation
November 8, 2008
The homeowners, as well as others, have experienced apparitions, feelings of being watched, being touched...
Local VFW
Case # 300060208
First Investigation
June 2, 2008
Numerous complaints from employees as well as customers of things happening.
Private Residence in Pascagoula
Case # 30020908
First Investigation
February 2, 2008
The homeowners have seen an apparition of a woman. They hear someone loudly walking through the house. Toys will go off by themselves. They see shadows...
Private Residence in Pascagoula
Case # 30020908
Third Investigation
After a very active second investigation we couldnt wait to get back in and hopefully get answers for the homeowner.
Private Residence
Case # 30112208
First Investigation
November 22, 2008
The homeowners, as well as others, have experienced apparitions of a young girl, feelings of being watched, being touched, cold spots...
Private Residence -Emergency case
Case # 30080908
First Investigation
August 8, 2008
The homeowners, as well as others, have seen doors slam open and shut and TVs cut on and off. The child seems to see something in his room. They see a huge shadow going down the hallway to the master bedroom.
Local VFW
Case # 300060208
Second Investigation
July 3, 2008
We had numerous things happen on our first visit and couldnt wait to get back in.
Private Residence in Pascagoula
Case # 30020908
Second Investigation
We always recommend several investigations since the fist night might be quite. This is a perfect example of why we do this...
Private Residence in Ocean Springs
Case # 30032208
First Investigation
March 22, 2008
The homeowners have seen shadows in the kitchen and hallway. They have seen an apparition in the master bedroom, have been scratched in the middle of the night and the child hears breathing in his room. Chairs have moved by themselves, cabinets open by themselves and a mirror flew off the bathroom wall