Reports on graveyards visited, researched or investigated by Shadowz Paranormal. Here you will find photographs, audio, video, and the histories and stories behind the graveyards we visit. Please note: We only investigate a graveyard after numerous complaints of activty and we always have permission from the proper authorities to investigate. It is illegal in Ms to be in a graveyard after dark.
Private Location
​Case # 00053111
May 31, 2011
We were asked to investigate the graveyard because of numerous complaints of activity
Coon Hill Cemetery
May 24, 2008
Coon Hill is the oldest cemetery in northern Santa Rosa County. It originated around 1820,
about the time of the first settlers
Jackson County Graveyard # 1
First Investigation
Aug 11, 2007
Local police had contacted us about investigating this place. Numerous complaints of lights, figures etc..
Jackson County Ms Graveyard
First Investigation
May 17, 2008
Last visit we did capture some exciting evidence so we were ready to go back...
WE actually went to a City Council meeting to try and get some help for this graveyard...
Harrison County Graveyard
WE did investigate after numerous complaints and getting permission
Jackson County Ms Graveyard
First Investigation
August 11, 2007
A picture from this investigation actually made it into the Book "Ghost Coast to coast.(go to Media scetion for more info)
Jackson County Graveyard
First Visit
April 21, 2007
Spanish Moss and beautifuk scenery. We didnt investigate. Just took pictures a few of which appeared in our Calendar.
Jackson County Ms Graveyard
Second Investigation
Follow up from our first investigation when we didnt get any recorded evidence.